Audio Project – Documentation – Kevin Xu

Documentation and Reflection: Kevin Xu

Project Proposal:

A song search engine that works off emotions of the user, with buttons to alter or add personal ad-libs to the song.

Project Description

I’ve always linked songs to emotions or feelings, so I decided that it would be interesting to share my own thoughts on music through this website. The concept we are trying emulate is as if all music is linked to a certain emotion, and the user would be able to type in an emotion and a song that relates to that emotion would being playing.


In order to truly make it so that each emotion typed in would bring up a single song out of a random array of thousands of songs which link to that emotion would require either a huge amount of hard-coding or artificial intelligence which at this point in my skill level would be extremely difficult. Therefore I decided to simply hard code songs to a fairly large range emotions in order to emulate the effect. This was my portion of the project.


The main issue that came up was simply figuring out how to make it so that the code would recognize a word and execute a function based on the word inputted. After figuring this out, the rest was fairly simple as I used my knowledge from the last project to make it so each function would change the song by using document.getElementById.

Project Reflection: 

The final product me and Adam created was exactly like the image I had for the project when we decided on the final look at the beginning. We drew out the layout at the beginning and followed a set work schedule so that we could finish the project on time and in its entirety.

Work cited can be accessed by typing in work cited in the search bar.


below are examples of the code template used to play each song.

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