Week 3: Interactive Comics Project – Introduciton (Winny Wang, Kat Valachova)

In the process of searching for our project idea as well as getting to know each other, Winny and I have discovered we both have in common passion for coffee. So we decided to make it our topic and dedicate the story-line of our online comics to this heavenly and intriguing drink.

Because we want more people to explore the long journey that beans have to undergo and appreciate the cups of black liquid that we can all hold in hand, we plan to create a short educative skit about how coffee is made.

The story is set in a cafe, where two friends meet for a chat. The boy has never drunk coffee before, so he plans to order tea, as usual. The girl, who is a devoted coffee lover sees it as a pity that he doesn’t know anything about the beauty of coffee. Therefore, she takes upon herself to introduce the art of coffee to him, explaining how it’s taken care of from the plant, to the roasted beans we know. Through appealing and interesting storytelling, the boy is intrigued about this magical drink and it strikes him how much he has missed over the years because of his undervaluation on coffee. The boy decides to stop taking things for granted and giving new experiences a try. Both surprisingly and not, he falls in love…

For now we have created the profiles of our two characters and we plan to work on the details of the coffee processing.

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