Recitation 9 – Media Controller – Kevin Nader


In this recitation, I created a device that distorts your camera if it detects a sound loud enough. I did this through the usage of a sound sensor and relatively simple serial communication. Here is a short clip of the project in action. Unfortunately, though present in the background of the video, the code for this project has been lost due to issues with my computer. 

Reflection (Based on Computer Vision for Artists and Designers: Pedagogic Tools and Techniques for Novice Programmers):

As previously mentioned, this device distorts the user’s image when it detects a sound that is loud enough. This implementation of serial communication is intended to teach the user the importance of sound and how too much of it can distort one’s message. The extent of this interaction is nothing more than a sound sensor doing its job. Should the sound sensor read an input above the coded threshold, it will blur the image of the user. I am trying to convey my belief to the user that conveying a message through aggression (loudness) will often times distort both the user’s message and intentions. This projects usage of multimedia, though relatively primitive, does its job very well. Further improvements to these skills is extremely beneficial and seems like the future of interactive art.

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