Recitation 4: Drawing Machines

Recitation 4: Drawing Machines

In today’s recitation, we created motors with three total steps. The first step was to create a motor which simply rotated. This was the most simple step out of all three because we only needed to connect the wires, breadboard, motor, and Arduino together. Attached below are the photos and videos of this step.

The second step was a bit more complicated because we wanted to control the rotation with a potentiometer. Adding the potentiometer to the breadboard was an extra step but I had a tough time figuring out the code for this part, especially the map() function. Attached below is the photo of step 2. The video size is too big to be attached.

The last step was the most exciting, the mechanical arm functioned will and we were able to draw something abstract. It’s really interesting to see how every part of the machine works together. After this project, I saw machines in a parts instead of as a whole. The video size is too large to be displayed.

Question 1: What kind of machines would you be interested in building?Add a reflection about the use of actuators, the digital manipulation of art, and the creative process to your blog post.

I would be interested in building a machine that can throw paintballs at people. Through the use of actuators and motors, we can launch paintballs at the wall which would be a massive canvas. This would be an interesting idea for artists to paint on greater surfaces. In my opinion, art can change politics and through the use of this technology, we can have a bigger forms of art, a bigger audience, and a bigger impact. The digital manipulation of art demonstrates the new age in digital art combining photography and animations together. Being able to play with different techniques and mediums allows anybody to become an artist, all they need is their imagination. Personally, I have a hard time being creative and finding something to create. However, it is really inspirational to see the art that some people choose to make.

Question 2: Choose an art installation mentioned in the reading ART + Science NOW, Stephen Wilson (Kinetics chapter). Post your thoughts about it and make a comparison with the work you did during this recitation. How do you think that the artist selected those specific actuators for his project?

I chose “The Drumming and Drawing Subhuman” from the art installation mentioned in the reading ART + Science NOW. On the surface it seems extremely different from the drawing machine that I have built, but the Robot Subhuman is able to drum through actuator and motors, just like the drawing machine. The design of the robot itself is quite creative, something that looks horrifying but can evoke elegance through its drumming. My project has a long way to go compared to the Robot, but perhaps more similar in the techniques involving rotation and other motors. The artists selected the actuators that would help the motors rotate around the hands and elbows.

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