Week 2: Response to “Long Live the Web” and “The Strange Geopolitics of the International Cloud” – Khaliun Dorjderem

“Long Live the Web” by Tim Berners highlights the freedom and universality of internet while discussing how the web and internet is changing rapidly. After reading his work, I was reminded by how Chinese government restricts their citizens’ access  to the internet, they only provide them with the data which they want their people to be informed. Also, I’ve heard all of their searches are being recorded by the government, and Tim Berners said it could possibly influence their job application in the reading. 

 Tim Berners wrote that “universality is the foundation” of the internet, and I completely agree with that. I think the universality of the internet is crucial because everyone should have the right to access information on the internet, not just the information those who are in power determine to be accessible.

Also, the monopolies he mentioned that were using our information for advertisement should stop interfering with our privacy because it is violating the fundamentals of the internet. This issue can be connected to the article “The Strange Geopolitics of the Internet Cloud”. It discussed how a company’s data center can be situated in a different country because of economics or even climate issues making complication in accessing the data for the company. This, which in turn goes back to the Chinese government issue again, making restrictions and building gated community on the internet will result in fall down of the freedom and universality of the internet.

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