Week 1: HTML Portfolio -Jikai Zheng

Webpage link: http://imanas.shanghai.nyu.edu/~jz2477/week1/kai_portfolio/


A few elements used: unordered list, italics, bold, underline, hyperlink, link from clicking on a photo. I also organized the folder for the images so that they’d correspond, but I also know how to copy image address, which works almost as well. I had to first downsize some of the photos because they were too big, and looked too brash under some smaller photos, which I did in photoshop. My favorite part was how you could also experience or purchase some of my favorite things through a link or see exactly which restaurant I was referring to. A note to improve: probably remove the family list at the bottom if I don’t want to disclose too many personal details or photos. I look forward to making the website look better with CSS. 

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