The code is below:
import processing.serial.*; Serial mp; String s; float x,y,dx,dy,px,py,ppx,ppy; void setup() { size(800,600); background(255); printArray(Serial.list()); mp = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[8], 9600); mp.clear(); s = mp.readStringUntil( 10 ); s = null; px = 0; py = 600; } void draw() { strokeWeight(2); while (mp.available() > 0) { s = mp.readStringUntil( 10 ); if (s!= null) { String[] a = split(trim(s), ","); dx = x; dy = y; x = 1023-int(a[0]); y = 1023-int(a[1]); x = map(x,0,1023,0,800); y = map(y,0,1023,0,600); line(dx,dy,x,y); /*/if (dx-x>0) { ppx = px-1; if (ppx<0){ ppx = 0;} } else if (dx-x<0) { ppx = px+1; if (ppx>width){ ppx = width;} } if (dy-y>0) { ppy = py-1; if (ppy<0){ ppy = 0;} } else if (dy-y<0) { ppy = py+1; if (ppy>height){ ppy = height;} } line(px,py,ppx,ppy); px = ppx; py = ppy; */ } } }
And the actual project works like: