Week 7: Audio Project Individual Response – Grace Currier


Our project combines emotions with audio, given that music can make you feel a certain way. So, we decided to remix existing songs with sounds that stir emotions (happy, sad, calm, angry, etc.) depending on two different emotions. We did this because there is a complexity and a depth to one’s feelings, which is usually a culmination of multiple emotions. The idea behind our project was to have the user click on one emotion and a song would play that correlates to that emotion. Then the user would click the second emotion and it would play a sound effect to match. 

We decided on two emotions because the more emotions that are added to the mix, the more possible permutations there could be. If we had more time for the project, we could have added more emotions or possible combinations of each. But, for simplicity’s sake, we decided on two. 


There is a gradient in the background of our website that corresponds to the different emotions one selects for visual effect, which Bonnie did a great job of implementing into the code. We initially decided on using a waveform for when the audio plays, but it became too complex for the time we were given and the code was uncooperative with the rest of the project. I focused primarily on remixing the audio, which in and of itself proved to be a challenge. Combining sounds and melodies, adding rhythm and then creating an audibly pleasing song for most of the permutations was both time-consuming and creatively taxing. But, I think that the final product is something to be proud of.  

Post Mortem

Our project idea evolved several times before finally coming to fruition, but the vision stayed relatively the same. I think we achieved our accomplished goal, of portraying emotions and the corresponding music/audio that stir up those emotions, while also displaying the visual aspect of those emotions. Essentially, this project is all-encompassing of one’s feelings with the audio and visual effects, which was always the goal.  

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