Week 11: Video Project Documentation – Grace Currier


Project Idea 

Our initial idea for this project was an investigative murder mystery, that was a parody of serious crime television shows, etc. We wanted the story itself to be comedic in nature, and thus decided on two suspects, both of which were played by me, and the cop and victim, both played by Xavi. We wanted our user interaction to mainly be choosing between two options, or investigating evidence of the crime. 

The Process 

We encountered a lot of ups and downs throughout this project. First, we could not get the tripod to connect to the camera, thus creating a somewhat shaky appearance in the final product. Second, the audio was not as crisp as I think we were hoping, which was another criticism we received. This project was very time consuming and required a lot of attention from all of us, but I can proudly say that I am very happy with how it turned out in the end. Xavi and I did most of the work in front of the camera while Hanna and Selena did the behind-the-scenes work. In terms of interactivity, we included choice-based interaction, pop-ups and buttons that enabled the user to better understand the plot. The editing was seamless and the story flowed smoothly, just as when we first planned it out. One reason why we decided upon a comedic video is because Xavi and I are by no means, professional actors. So, it would be embarrassing (at least I think) for both of us to actually try to act, rather than willing embarrass ourselves for the sake of laughter and enjoyment from the viewer. 


Our original idea stuck with us from beginning to end. Despite the negative feedback, it was so fun to film and was also a learning experience, for sure. Hanna and Selena did a fantastic job of editing and coding to make the final project one that we could all be proud of. I think we all worked very well as a team, and they frankly made this project my favorite in the class thus far. 

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