Preparatory Research and Analysis-Andrew Xie

Chronus Exhibition

This is the first time for me to visit the Exhibition with the interactive experience. Chronus Exhibition shows us the interactive relationship between people and objects, and calls on people to reflect on the current interactive relationship.What impressed me most was the first work of the pavilion, called artificial intuition. This work USES infrared induction to recognize the existence of human beings. What is interesting is that, unlike other works in which the interactive part serves human beings, this work has vitality and is offensive to human beings. I had expected the claws to fall back as people approached. Instead, these tentacles will try to hold you back, and this is the first time I’ve seen a work that’s not about people, but about trying to drive people away. The author’s intention is to make people rethink the relationship between intuition and reasoning.The most shocking work I have ever seen is the rehender Raum, which is made up of small wooden plumbers and electronic components. This work is very mysterious. Through the traction of the line, the small plumb bob will move offline in a certain period of time. The structure of the whole work is clear. The geometric basis of this work is from the inside to the outside, reflecting the machine’s sense of disregard for human beings.The exhibition that I recently visited without technology is the flying goldfish exhibition. This exhibition is different from the chronus exhibition by placing goldfish in fish tanks of different shapes and using neon lights of different colors. The goldfish exhibition makes me feel the beauty of life, but the chronus exhibition will make me feel the equality of life and the reverse view of things created by human beings.





The first interaction I found was called the shadow of a fan. The project is that when a person stands on a specific ground, the projector will display a fan on the ground in front of the person, the paper fan will expand when the person stays, and the paper fan will close when the person leaves. And when the fan is open, there will be animation works on the fan. The reason I chose this project is that it shows people the art of light and shadow, how to interact with the audience through lights, and how to spread some values.

“We hope that we can make a good use of all kinds of Japanese elements on the fan by using the contemporary creative methods with the fan as the carrier, and then integrate them into the large fan array to show them to the audience in a dynamic form. So that you can experience the main content and original intention of this activity from such interactive experience. In the overall area of nearly 6 meters wide and 10 meters long, we will set up 18 fan images to form a field space of fan array image. Under the background ripple, different stories hidden in 18 fans will meet participants unexpectedly, and then participate in the formation of a grand opening and closing scene.”

The second project is called transparent society. The author wants to express the lack of privacy for us living in the digital age. People live in a relatively real life, “happy” walking on a smooth road pieced together by digital information.
We quietly savor other people’s joys and sorrows on social media, while our lives are being chewed by others. In this era, we seem to be the God who can control everything, but we are also controlled by everything This is an endless game, and also a strange landscape created by the digital age.

At the same time, I also found an interactive work that was not very successful. The author used sand to form a human image on the screen through the photos of people passing on, and then let the sand pass. This is a very simple design, but it lacks the interaction with people, and transmits little value.


In the group project, my definition of interaction is that interaction includes two aspects of human and machine, and I focus on human-computer interaction, which is to make human life more convenient and can not harm human beings.According to my midperm project, I thought that interaction means that the work is practical and entertaining, but it is pointed out that it is simple interaction. It can’t bring anything to interact only through fans, and it is suspected that it discriminates against women. Therefore, my work can only be called interaction project, not interaction experience. After the search on the Internet and the experience in the period, I think that interaction experience It should be a continuous and repeatable experience, not a short interaction based on an action, and think about the meaning of the interaction.

“We don’t want our digital lives to fade away.
If we want to preserve them, we need to make sure that the digital
objects we create today can still be rendered far into the future”
– Vint Cerf, former vice president of Google

Just like his reflection on the data age, we need to ensure the future of interactive works, reflecting that people perceive the future in advance through interactive experience, which is to present innovation to the audience.

work cited

Interactive art

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