Individual Reflection-Andrew Xie

First of all, according to the explanation on the Internet, Interaction should be defined as “interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another. ”(Wikipedia). As for me, I think the definition of interaction should include two aspects: one is the interaction between people, that is, information exchange through body language, etc.; the other is human-machine interaction, that is, human beings interact with machines to meet the needs of human beings, and machines serve human beings and maintain equal or lower status than human beings. As Crawford says in his post, ” we might speak of interactivity as high, moderate, low, or even zero, thus solving our problem with the subjective nature of interactivity.”(5)Higher interactive products can bring higher value to human beings.

The first project I chose was a game called Detroit: Become Human. Through this game, I had a deep understanding of the advanced form of human-computer interaction and how to deal with the status of both sides in an interactive relationship. Because we were discussing high-level interaction, the crisis of intelligence is the consequence caused by improper interaction.  It tells about the future Intellectual weapon crisis. When Android has a sense of autonomy, how do we define them and how they define themselves? This is an interactive game where players choose their own endings. During the demonstrations of Android, I must choose the way like violent resistance or peaceful marches, and express our aspirations for Android, they demanded equality and human rights. When I played this game, I was very confused. As an actor of Android, I don’t know how to guide them. Because as a human being, I don’t know if it’s time to treat conscious bionics as human beings. This game really makes me ponder. Perhaps for the greater good, I will treat them as human beings.




The second project I want to talk about is a world-changing invention, Iphone4, which has changed the way human-computer interaction is done, and brought artificial intelligence into mobile phones. Touch screen replaces mechanical buttons, so that people can see the real intelligent life, and lead the industry for at least two years.The iPhone redefines the mobile phone and the way of human-computer interaction. Unlike bionic humans, the iPhone has no soul and human nature.

Comparing the two, I think bionic people are a more advanced form of human-computer interaction, because bionic people not only have intelligent systems, but also have human thinking. It’s not like the iPhone just responds to human instructions. I believe that such bionic man will appear in the future, but it brings ethical problems, whether bionic man has life, and how to limit it with law and technology.The knowledge of the game helped me define interaction, which, although it may sound arrogant, is human-centered and cannot harm humans. In this aspect, the iPhone is obviously better, it guarantees the security, and thanks to the iOS system, the data protection becomes very safe.At the core of my definition is a machine that is highly interactive for most people and subject to human service, called interaction.

Group Project

My team and I have designed a wearable smart device called Let’s dance. In 100 years, people can learn efficiently through more interactive devices. This device can be used by teachers and students to learn by wearing different versions of the device. Through the device, students can make the same movements as the teacher. For those who want to learn dance but cannot follow the teacher’s movements well, they can imitate the movements efficiently. Not only does it dance, but the device can also. even remotely manipulate the body movements of others to achieve its goals, such as allowing doctors to perform operations remotely or soldiers to conduct operations remotely.But in order to prevent malicious manipulation of others, we designed a button in the helmet to stop the connection, which is also the inspiration I got from the bionic.From the iPhone, we think we need to establish a smooth user experience, through 6G and Bluetooth connection, and can achieve one-to-many, with belt, helmet, leg parts. In short, interaction should bring convenience and value to human beings.

Work cited

Crawford, “What Exactly is Interactivity,” The Art of Interactive Design,  pp. 1-5.

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