Audio project (Steve Sun)


for this project my work was mainly collecting the sounds and make all the web elements on the page and make them look good (css). 

firstly we thought of making a music selector and producer where we can first select some of the sounds from each floor and then go to a new page where there is a beat machine and use the sounds the user chose to make music.

then we find it impossible to transfer information from one page to another, so we decided to make each floor a beat machine. I  actually made a touch pad (without functioning of course) of the beat machine.

the music pad that i made
the music pad that i made

but then we figured that the js coding for a beat machine is too hard for us and then we changed our minds again to make everything on one page, meanwhile we used the loops that were originally made rather than letting the user make them. so Thomas did some remixes on his computer and we put those loops on the page. 

there is still something that we could do to make the page better. one is that we could make it so that when user tried to add some tracks, the track can be added without restarting the music. and also some of the sounds’ volume and tempo aren’t quite at place so we could do more editing on those sounds. and one little thing about the background that the bg pic just didn’t seem to fit the page and the size varied from computer to computer…… i thought it would be easy to solve but nothing seemed to word when i did my css…… 

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