Connor Schone – Week 1

For our first week’s lab in Interaction Lab, my partner and I first learned how to sodder two conductive materials together by melting the end of a light metal wire to produce a sort of adhesive. Below is a photo of the resulting bond. The red and white wires were each glued to corresponding prongs on the bottom of the doorbell button to stabilize their connection.  


In the second section of the lab, my partner and I were tasked with making a circuit. The intended end result being a functioning doorbell that would produce a sound after a button was pressed. We began by accounting for all the components pictured in the diagram provided, and attempted to build a circuit, connecting wires from the battery at one end of the breadboard, and through the different components necessary to move the appropriate amount of electricity past the binary button and into the speaker.    

We were unable to achieve the intended result in our attempts to do so, likely due to one or more incomplete connections within the breadboard itself.    

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