Week 11: VR & VR Effects (Repost&Update)

I’ve recently been using 3D modeling software for class (Rhino) and my primary goal or interest was to find methods of integrating it into these applications and my final project. I wanted to find other applications that can be used in conjunction with the MochaVR, MantraVR, and CaraVR. 

Key Takeaways: 

BorisFX – MochaVR  – SI – MochaVR has a sister software called Silhouette that focuses primarily on non invasive/abrasive paint that allows users to take a more graphics driven approach to VR effects. This however, is an extra software that is just as expensive but the features are STUNNING and something I’d be willing to invest in. Best Feature: Layout – the layout of programs by BorisFX is very similar to other art programs like Photoshop or Lllustrator. If I were the user/consumer this is what I’d prefer as the controls seem the most familiar and with the least learning curve.

Mettle -Mantra VR- Shapeshifter: Mantra VR has a extra software that acts as a plug-in called ShapeShifter AE. However, it is mainly limited by a lack of features (in comparison to the other 2) and  not as advanced with the features it offers. It is mainly used for AfterEffects while the others have better optimization for other applications. Best Feature: THE PRICE! The price point is good enough to be a good enough supplemental software to support MantraVR.

Foundry – CaraVR – Modo – Modo is another application that is focused more on amazing texturing and rendering tools. The program is quite intuitive and has a mid-price range. Best Feature: Modo’s workflows are very artist friendly, it’s very similar to what I’m used to in the past. This can make it easier to learn (ideally). It is also a powerhouse for lighting and shading effects as well as a power translator aka great for CAD formats and etc. 

If I were to invest in a particular software, I would invest monetrily and learning wise on MochaFX. The layout is a lot easier to understand compared to the other two and the sister application SI is also one that I find the most interesting. Both applications would be incredible outlets to produce VR videos with 3D modeled/rendered add ons. 

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