Recitation 2: Arduino Basics by Bing Chen

Question 1: I use technology everyday. From picking up my cellphone first thing in the morning to opening my laptop to using my ID to walk out of the dormitories, the amount of technology I encounter daily is enormous. In comparison to the devices I utilize like my cellphone or my laptop, the circuits I built today demonstrate the basics of some very complex tech. The speaker circuit shows me how my cellphone could produce music and the fading circuit shows how I can adjust the brightness of my phone whenever I choose. And then the speed game circuit reminds me of all of the simple games I can download from the App store that are very addicting and fun. All of these demonstrates certain levels of interactivity. It is almost as if technology coincides with interactivity; as if one can’t exist without the other.

Question 2: If I had 100,000 LEDs and the manpower to do this, I would stack all 100,000 LEDs on top of each other in a straight shot to the sky to see how tall 100,000 LEDs are. It’s not practical but I’m curious to see how high it would go. 


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