Week 8: Video Project Proposal – Bonnie, Helen, Harry


ColdPlay – Every Teardrop is a Waterfall Music Video

Golden Touch – Namie Amuro Music Video

David Ma Food Films:


Project Idea:

Since completing our audio projects, we thought it would be fun to use our knowledge with audio and combine it with video. So, we decided to focus on creating a music video type project where we may combine interactivity through video production like the Namie Amuro Golden Touch video as well as digital interactivity through the website that the video will be played on such as switching between different scenes in the video using buttons or even switching the different music choices. Style wise, we are thinking about creating a video that uses motion graphics and pairing it with live video like the Coldplay music video.


We will be using original footage that is shot by us and maybe our own audio to avoid copyright issues or avoid very popular songs. We will probably be using Adobe Premiere for editing footage and Adobe AfterEffects to create motion graphics if we include digital animations. 

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