Code of Music A18: Tone.js Sound Design – Alex Wang


Using code, design two different timbres, applying synthesis / sampling techniques of your choice. 

Detuned Porta Lead:

Link: (Use number keys)

The first sound I decided to make is a detuned lead with my own attempt of creating a portamento or glide effect.

First I created 6 oscillators of different fundamental wave forms, then I shifted each oscillator away from the core frequency, creating a detuned sound with oscillators +-5 hz away from the center, I also added some chorus effect to make it sound bigger. 

Then I created my own glide effect by using the lerp() function to interpolate between previous note and current pitch, also creating a new way of triggering attack and release so that the pitch constantly updates(in draw loop) but also triggers properly.

Bell Pluck:

For my second sound I decided to try manipulating a sample, I used the iconic “ding” sound commonly used in video editing. I added many effects available in Tone.js, such as autopan, ping pong delay, and reverb.

Link: (ASDFG)

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