Recitation 6: Processing Animation by Alexander Cleveland

My Work and Code in Recitation

During this recitation, I made a point to try and explore the processing app through a couple different variations. This mean’t trying to use and combine tings I hadn’t necessarily learned which led to a lot of trial and error. A list of the functions I used (and tried to use but didn’t include) are as follows:

  1. void setup (to initialize the sizing and parameters of the work)
  2. void draw (within this I set the background size, the rectangle size, and the coloring of the rectangle)
  3. void mouse pressed (an interactive element whereby clicking the mouse made the rectangle appear and disappear off screen after some time)
  4. void mouse released (this ensured that whenever I released the clicking from the mouse, the rectangle would stop moving)
  5. frame rate (determined the speed of the image moving across the screen)
  6. no stroke (took away the black border line of the rectangle)

Below is a list of failed commands I tried using but ended up deleting:

  1. Push matrix, as the description on processing says “Pushes the current transformation matrix onto the matrix stack. Understanding pushMatrix() and popMatrix() requires understanding the concept of a matrix stack. ” I did not particularly understand the basics behind matrix stack so I was stuck and eventually deleted it after finding help.
  2. Key pressed, I couldn’t quite figure out how to incorporate this with the mouse pressed at the same time so I ended up abandoning it because I liked the clicking of the mouse better.

My code for the moving colored rectangle is as follows:

A video of my sketch is as follows;

The code for my recitation homework is as follows:

float X;
float Y;
int speed = 8;
int d=5;
float c;

void setup (){
X = width*.5;
Y = height*.5;
noStroke ();

void draw() {
if (c >= 255) c=0;
else c++;
stroke(c, 255, 255);

ellipse(X, Y, d, d);

d = d + speed;

if (d> width || d < 10) {

A video of my homework can also be viewed below:

*part of this code inspiration was sourced from ( and a lot of the help came from teaching assistant Eszter Vigh.

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