Final Project Proposal – Elysia

4×4 LED magic square

For my first project, I’m thinking about making something that is similar to the magic crystal ball seen in many movies. In order to make it similar to a crystal ball, I’m planning to make a 4×4 LED square because it is easier for us to organize the electronics. The LED box would be an interactive structure equipped with infrared sensors that will detect hand movement by measuring the distance of the hands. The sensor then will light up the LEDs closest to the hand, therefore making giving the feeling that the “crystal box” is feeling your presence. The box will also utilize a sound sensor right in the middle of the box. The purpose of it is so that people can also ask questions to the box, and have those questions answered with yes, no or maybe sentences. The audio file will be stored in Processing so that it would give a clearer and satisfying sounds.


Pet Robot

For my second project, I’m planning to make a pet robot that can follow you everywhere. I know that many people love to interact with animals. Sadly, not a lot of them can have a pet. So, my intention of making this project is to give people a happy experience of interacting with a pet.

This robot pet will function with Arduino and processing. It will have one infrared sensor in the front part of the structure and an Arduino in the middle part. The robot will also have two wheels to facilitate its movement. The way this project works is that the robot will follow anything in front of them, so when people walk in front of them, the robot will follow them everywhere. I will also give a way for people to interact with the pet by pressing a certain button on processing to give him food, petting him, or making him do tricks. I will also give conditions that the person has to fulfill in order for the pet to continue following him such as giving the pet food every couple of minutes to keep the interaction going.


Fortune Wheel

The last project will be a “wheel of fortune”. The purpose of the project is not only to entertain people but also give them a fun and interactive way to play with fortune cards. The product will use a servo motor to spin the wheel and a temperature sensor at the bottom of the structure. The sensor will act as an input that will be processed by the Arduino and make the motor spin a certain speed and stop to signify the card in which the person’s “future” is displayed. The longevity of the spin and the speed will depend on the temperature of the person interacting with it. I want to use processing as a way to display the cards that the wheel gives them and put the person’s face on the card. This way, the person interacting with it will feel more immersed in the experience.

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