Group Research Project Individual Reflection-by Lifan Yu

My definition  of interaction:

Interaction is the process in which two people, devices, or a people and a device communicating with one another. This type of communication should include receiving  information, processing the received information and giving a feedback, response or creating a certain kind of action according to the analytical results made in the processing stage. This idea is shaped by Crawford’s words “interaction is a cyclic process in which two actors alternately listen, think, and speak” .

Also, to distinguish interaction from reaction, both of the two interacting units should go through these three processes mentioned. They are both actively engaged in a rather continuous communication. Two-way  feedback is indispensable.

(An example that aligns with my definition.)
Project: Guten Touch

‘Guten Touch’ consists of two projected displays and a multitouch wall.
In one activity, people can stand in front of the wall and use their hands to touch the areas where the projected “foam balls” appear. They can “touch” the “foam balls” with their fingers and move their fingers to throw the foam balls anywhere. Players can even play a foam ball game called “Space Invaders” by throwing the foam balls.
In another activity people can participate in is creating vitual paintings. They can create colorful shapes using a brush or create digital pbjects on the screen using their hands. They can also move their artworks and see the dropping and bouncing of these virtual objects. (For example in the video, a person dumped a box of virtual objects into another virtual box he drew)

For the device, the sensors in the screen detect the pressure of people’s fingers on the screen. Thus figure out the directions in which the fingertips are moving towards. This is the information collecting and analyzing process. Then in response to this, the projected light spots can move under people’s fingertips. (or creating virtual shapes under people!s fingertips) This is the output process.

For people, seeing the location the projected virtual shapes is the imput process. Thinking about where they will move the shapes to is the processing process. Actually using their fingers to move the virtual objects is the feedback or output process. When they see the shapes actually move according to their own wills, a new round of imput, analyzing, output process begins. Also, when multiple players are engaged in this, players can also interact with each other.

The information giving and receiving process is continuous. Both the people and the device are fully engaged in every process that constitute “interaction”, constantly giving feedbacks.

(An example that don’t quite align with my definition.)
Project: Reactive Sparks by Markus Lerner

This is a an installation of seven double-sided vertical screens that is currently in front of the OSRAM main office in Munich, Germany. When cars pass the road in front of the screens, light-colored lines will appear on the screen. Meanwhile, the orange-color waves on the screen rise when the numbers of passing cars increase.

The screens receive information, process it by calculating the height of “waves”, and output the collected datas by visualizing the density of traffic using the height of waves on each screen. However the people in passing cars aren’t responding to the shapes on the screen. It lacks  two-ways feedback. It may be seen as a reactive or less interactive project.

Group project: “Heal-o-matic 5000”


Our project is a medical device that can diagnose people with their illnesses. People put their hands on a specially designed sensor screen and their faces are scanned for their ID. The device will then diagnose people’s illnesses by analyzing the data collected by the sensors and the diagnosis will be appeared on the screen. Meanwhile the relevant medicine will be dispensed.

In our project, a person and a device is communicating. The person sends out information by putting their hand on the sensor. The device receives information by collecting the patient’s health data. It processes information by analyzing the data.  It outputs information by displaying diagnoses on the screen.

This device partly reflects interaction. However , after some careful thought, I started to doubt if it is actually a responsive art device.The back and forth process of information exchanging and reacting is somewhat in lack in our project. If interaction still exists in our project, it can be seen as an interactive device that has low levels of interaction.

The Art of Interactive Design, Crawford, Page 1-5

Reactive Sparks by Markus Lerner (

‘Guten Touch’ Blends Tech and Human Interaction created by Multitouch Barcelona (

Reflection #8: Robot Programming


Similarly to Braitenberg’s Creatures, this article focused on how a series of commands can allow for robots to become more self aware and ‘intelligent’

Notes and Quotes:

“Behavior control allows us to tie together into a coherent whole all the elements of robot control”

Behaviors are simply layers of control systems that run in parallel whenever appropriate sensors fire”

Modeling is a good solution to manipulating space as a robot but it is subject to time (the time needed to model the world before executing task) and t programming power.

Behavior fusion and suppressor nodes can be used to debug my kittenbot code

Suppressor Node: used to prioritise between two or more powerful commands as to which should be triggered b the other

The Process/task/ scheduler system work similarly to functions/modules in other coding languages


While this process allows for more self aware machines, it reminded me of the Chinese experiment mentioned in the embodied cognitive science article in that, as stated in the article, even though the machine can take in the place and move around accordingly, the robot cannot distinguish between a chair and a table, nor do they have a sense of object permanence. This would be the next step in making such machines intelligent.

Behavior programming works similarly to electronic bricks and I am not entirely sure of the difference

Behavior control is beneficial because it allows for an action-reaction based system [real-time robustness]. This differs from modeling which works poorly in changing or natural environments

Reflection #6: Braitenberg Creatures


This article explained different autonomous creatures created using electronic bricks inspired by Braitenberg’s creatures.


Electronic bricks: specifically modified LEGO Bricks with simple electronic circuits inside


  • These creatures were made to be more child friendly. The article explains that “Children learn important ideas about living systems not just by observing creatures but by building them” However after reading on how the creatures work, isn’t it a bit complex and subtle for children below a certain age to comprehend the nuances of the various behaviours?
  • How can vehicles mimic behaviour
    • Follow up: They are not actually imitating the emotions through feeling but rather through response and reaction therefore mimicing associated actions with the given behaviours
  • Can these behaviours also be applied to a kittenbot


The reading was quite comprehensive and generated much though on potential structures when building future robots. It also triggered the thoughts on what it means to live. Is to live, to be able to react? I think these actions can be easily applied to the kittenbot in concept but I’m not sure of the technicalities. 

Reflection #5: Biomimetics – Nature Based Innovation


This chapter explore various examples of biomimetics and bio-inspired inventions. According to the the author on page 2:

“Nature is effectively a great laboratory where trial and error experiments are made..”


  • Biomimetics: Seeks to understand and use nature as a model for copying, adapting and inspiring concepts and designs
  • Natural forms – they occur naturally in ambient conditions
  • Imitations: Made made components usually created under heat and pressure
  • Robot – a biomimetic machine with humanlike features running via electromechanical mechanism with the ability to sense its environment with some degree of intelligence.


  • Camouflage- military uniforms mimic animals to blend in
  • Beaver’s Dam – man made dames to serve similar purpose
  • Honeycomb – structure used for sound proofing (an adaptation is using egg crates)
  • Plant water system – can be studied for improved irrigation?


With the table example, furniture is said to mimic animals which stand on four legs. Considering that the four legs widen the base thous lowering the centre of gravity this can be the reason for the structure. However was this information common knowledge when the first piece of furniture was invented?

Is it better to understand and imitate the benefits of nature (eg camouflage) or to imitate nature itself (eg robots)?

I don’t really understand the inchworm example and would need further clarification on it.

What’t the relationship between biomimetic inventions and physics. Which is dependent on the other?

If nature’s evolution has allowed for biomimetics to even be possible due to its trial and error style, wouldn’t it be counterproductive to the evolutionary process?

What is the difference between operations, such as operations in water, and bio-inspired invention. 


This article was very insightful in showing how much nature as influences humanity for centuries. By preserving and better nourishing our environment, we can truly learn a great deal from it and for it. 

Reflection #4 – Embodied Cognitive Science


This chapter of Janusz Kacprzyk and Vito Trianni’s Evolutionary Swarm Robotics deals with Embodied Cognitive Science. It goes through a history of Cognitive Science and relates it to theories such as Connectionism and Functionalism. These ideas center greatly on determining whether machines can be intelligent and defining the parameters by which a machine can be considered intelligent. 

Useful Terms and my interpretation of them:

  • Artificial Intelligence:
    • the ability of machines to mimic human reasoning
  • Cybernetics:
    • Dealing with control theory and statistical information theory
    • Forefather of Artifical Intelligence
    • Modeling agent with the environment
    • sense think act cycle (act react system)
  • Behaviourism
    • responds to a stimulus
  • Practitioners of AI
    • Value the ability to work mentally rather than responding from a stimulus
  • Unity
    • A system with boundaries that encompass a number of elementary components
    • self-organizing robotic systems
  • Connectionism
    • interconnected networks of simple units
    • symbolic spacially structured representation
  • Functionalism
    • Symbolic syntactically structured representation
  • Subsumption Architecture
    • used in behavior-based robotics
  • Situatedness
    • being in the world
  • Embodiment
    • acting in the world


This reading was quite technical and I found it somewhat difficult to digest. However, there were some points that stuck out to me. Firstly, I found it interesting that the claim was made that machines can never truly be intelligent because they will always be allopoeitc since they can never be living organisms (pg 19) 

This interests me because I am very intrigued by the question of whether robots need to be an artificial replica of nature to be considered successful. This seems to be the general consensus. The topic is mildly addressed in the article and made me think back to the children’s interpretation of the robotic fish. See extract below for article’s take on the question;

Not in looks, but in action, the model must resemble an animal.
Therefore, it must have these or some measure of these attributes: exploration, curiosity, free-will in the sense of unpredictability, goal-
seeking, self-regulation, avoidance of dilemmas, foresight, memory, learning, forgetting, association of ideas, form recognition, and the
elements of social accommodation. Such is life.

Grey Walter, 1953, pp. 120-121

Two other things that intrigued me were the idea of the Chinese experiment. By that logic with no intention, there can be no intelligence. By that logic artificial intelligence is a paradox in itself because while a machine can be responsive it can never achieve innate intention – Or can it? How is intention defined?

The article also brings up a valid point, we do not truly understand simple natural phenomena so how can we jump to complex cognitive thought processes. The start of robotics should look at building machines that can interact with the real world.