Final Project: Documentation

By Gabrielle Branche


My final project was to create a fully functioning moth that holistically worked.  My report explains the process and has the code for my final. See report here. Photos and Videos of the moth at different stages of its development can be found here.


This final project for me served as a way to tie together all the aspects of Bio-inspired Robotics that was learnt in this class. Firstly I wanted to perfect the behavior of my moth as we addressed that intelligence is a large factor in making a machine a robot. Although my robot did not have artificial intelligence, I hoped that my robot could respond to its environment with the use of hard code. 

Secondly I looked at locomotion. While my robot still had wheels I aimed to explore its true movement bu looking at the flapping of its wings. I also tried to tie in what I learned in my other class by lazer cutting and manually building the wings. This way my robot could be more authentic and go beyond behavior

Finally had time allowed I would have used to webcam to have object recognition but this is now an extension and improvement should I decide to develop this bot further. 

This has been a great learning experience for me, starting with questioning what makes a robot a robot to the details of it such as using functions to polish and increase the robustness of my code. Most importantly I learned that to truly get into bio-inspired robotics, observation research and prototyping and the key steps to building something that has the potential to be great.