Week 04 Writing Assignment

Do your research and form your opinion of the relationship of “The Neural Network and the Brain/Neuron Stuff”, you opinion could be either:

    • The Neural Network is Inspired by the Brain/Neuron Structure.
    • The Neural Network has Nothing to Do with the brain/Neuron Stuff.
    • Or It’s somewhere in between.
  1. Feel free to reorganize the description of your opinion.
  2. Make it both a comprehensive and convincing statement with more than 300 words.
  3. There is no conclusion to this yet, what could be more interesting are those opinions you might gather from professionals or amateurs when they are talk about AI.
  4. And what’s most important is you should take this chance form your own attitude over the topic and in general what is AI is (at least with today’s technology advancement of human beings)
  5. Post it on the IMA blog before Friday Midnight, 27th with tag: aiarts04

Final Project

Final Project

Develop a creative project that is an inspiration from and utilization of the concepts covered throughout the course, especially generative adversarial networks. Students are strongly encouraged to explore all possibilities about creative applications of GANs. The outcome can be various. It can be anything, from a visual style transformation that simulates existed or generated artistic visual style to a dance performance or a musical instrument.

More details about the final project will be discussed during class and at the concept presentations.

You are required to post it on the documentation blog. Include details about all phases of development, both successes and failures. Be sure to also include links of source materials and inspirations. It is encouraged that you work individually, but you may work in groups of two. If you would like to work in groups, please consult the instructor first.

  • The concept or  work in progress presentation of your final project is in Week 12
  • The deadline of the final project presentation and documentation is in Week 14
  • The deadline of the final project and documentation is on Dec 8th

Midterm Project

Midterm Project

(Interactively) Train a simple artificial intelligence, a convolutional neural network based image classifier or feature extractor. And develop the trained AI model to a creative application. Such as participants interact with real time camera images to draw or use body or facial movements to control, etc. The application can be artistic or fun or practical.

Make sure to document your work on the documentation blog. It’s recommended to work individually but feel free to consult the instructor if have other plans.

  • Midterm project concept presentation is in Week 7
  • Midterm project presentation is in Week 8
  • The deadline of the midterm project and documentation is on Oct 18th

Week03 Assignment: ml5.js Project

Develop a simple project, utilizing any ml5.js models covered in class (or other available ones from their website).

  • It can be an experiment or exploration of the models introduced.
  • How about creating a drawing tool with a body part?  How about creating a simple application which loves or hates a certain object? How about creating a funny application which tells your attitudes? How about creating a poem with the object detected?
  • Post it on the IMA blog before Friday Midnight, 20th with tag: aiarts03
  • Supporting materials should be uploaded to NYU google drive or your GitHub if prefer. Make it public or at least grant the instructor access (aven@nyu.edu)  before Friday 11:59 pm, late submission will have influence on the mark.

Week 02 Assignment: ml5.js Experiment

  • Try with any given example on ml5.js website and report your findings.
    • It could be either technical, such as “what is an async function or promises, callbacks in Javascript and its application in ml5.js”
    • Or it can be conceptual, like “brainstorming on how to use MobileNet for artistic purpose”
  • It literally can be  anything you find interesting and would like to share. The goal is to let you play with ml5.js and discover some fun! 
  • Post it on the IMA blog before Friday Midnight, 13th with tag: aiarts02
  • Supporting materials should be uploaded to NYU google drive or your GitHub if prefer. Make it public or at least grant the instructor access (aven@nyu.edu)  before Friday 11:59 pm, late submission will have influence on the mark.