Week 11 Assignment: Explore BigGAN, deepDream

Explore GAN interpolation, create generated videos (more details at in class exercises) and document your work on class blog. Or play with deepDream, create generated videos and document it.

  • in-class: collaborative work 
  • continue your exploration and document it! 
  • Post it on the IMA blog before Friday Midnight, 22nd with tag: aiarts11

Week 10 Assignment: Train & inference style transfer

1) Train your own style model with the knowledge covered in class and 2) Develop a simple project (could be an exploration of ideas for your final), utilizing ml5.js style transfer and Document your work on class blog.

  • Train your own style model and document your successful attempts or temporal failure. Please include your source style image and some sample pairs of source and styled image.
  • Develop a simple project utilizing the style transfer model you obtained.
  • Post it on the IMA blog before Friday Midnight, 15th with tag: aiarts10

Week 07 Assignment: Document Midterm Efforts

Document Your COOL Project and How did It Happen (your Efforts)! 

  • Develop your midterm project, record and write to reflect your efforts, put together more than 500 words for the following subtopics.
    • Methodology
    • Experiments
  • Finish your midterm project development and put together all materials as slides present in next class. Prepare your project presentation slides for next class, 8mins for each.
  • Post it on the IMA blog before Sunday Midnight, 27th with tag: aiarts07

Week 06 Assignment: Document Midterm Concept

Document Your COOL Project Ideas!
Develop your midterm project concept and write more than 300 words description.

  • Include your thoughts and statements, suggest to format it into subtopics:
    • Background
    • Motivation
    • Reference
    • Post it on the IMA blog before Friday Midnight, 18th with tag: aiarts06
  • Prepare your concept presentation slides for next class, 5mins for each.

Week 05 Assignment: Train CIFAR-10 CNN

Train your own CIFAR-10 CNN and write an experiment report / blog post:

  • Try CIFAR-10 CNN with your own computers
  • It can be CPU or GPU
  • If it’s GPU, you might need to manage the environment setup
  • Include your machine specs, training setup, and total time spent
  • Include your thoughts and discoveries
  • Post it on the IMA blog before Friday Midnight, 11th with tag: aiarts05