Recitation 9: Media Controller – Zhao Yang



For this recitation class, we were required to use Arduino to send values to Processing to interact with some media, such as images or videos. I was interested in making some instant interaction so I chose the live camera as the media that I would change. Basically, it’s like an exercise that I used the Arduino to change the filter of the camera. Here is the video about how I interacted with the camera and an image of the circuits. 


I first looked up the filter function to check what kind of filter I can use. Then I found the filter POSTERIZE. Since it requires a  parameter to change the filter, I decided to use the potentiometer to change the value. I thought that if I only use the potentiometer as the tool to interact, it would be too boring. Thus, I added another button to control whether to use the INVERT filter. Fortunately, the output was pretty interesting. However, when I finished the exercise, I felt the way of interaction is still too simple. According to Golan Levin’s article, he notes that “Myron Krueger’s legendary Videoplace, developed between 1969 and 1975, was motivated by his deeply felt belief that the entire human body ought to have a role in our interactions with computers” (Levin 1). It is the first interactive artwork to incorporate computer vision. I really appreciate the Krueger’s idea that the entire human body ought to have a role in our interactions with computers. Since using buttons or potentiometer to interact are just the interaction with your fingers, the use of sensors could be a better way to create an interactive project. In my opinion, the values that the sensors can send are actually from the real world, while the values that some buttons send are the values inside the computer. So you can interact with sensors through your body. And some projects that use sensors as the input are usually more interesting than the projects that only use buttons as the input. Therefore, when I make the final project, I will try to make it a project that can involve the user’s whole body to interact with so that the project can be a good entertaining project. 

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