Recitation 10, Zhenming Wang, Professor Young

This is my work on the recitation. I imported an image to processing and then use Arduino to control the size of the image. The image function was used to adjust the size of the image, a potentiometer was used as the controller and sent values to processing. 

According to this week’s reading about computer vision, I learned that computer vision has a fairly long history, artist began to adopt it since 70s. The legendary artwork, Videoplace, suprised me a lot, which is a multiplayer interactive computer vision  artwork. This give me the thought that to combine computer vision in our final project might be a good idea, it can greatly enrich the interaction of the project, since be able to see one’s movement or figure on the screen can make the interaction much more interesting. 

According to our plan, we didn’t expect ot use computer vision in our final project, though it is a good choice. We may need to use some game designing knowledge and some logic desicions. We can certainly try to find that if there’s any place we can use computer vision. which is such a cool idea!

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