Recitation 9: Final Project Discussion ——Yixuan Liu(Recitation Instructor: Younghyun Chung, Eric Parren)

In this recitation, we discussion four projects in total including my own.

The first one is called “Put Down Your Phone and Plan a Tree”. This project basically designs a box or other form of the area where you can put your phone. If you do not move your phone, then there will be a tree growing on the screen. The designer of this project hopes that people can reduce the time people spend on their phones and focus on more of their lives. The feedback she got from the discussion are, firstly, where does the tree will appear? On the screen of the phone or an external screen? Secondly, is there a collaborating form which people can put multiple phones and have a different outcome? This project is very interesting for me because it does not require a lot of technological contribution. However, it requires more activities from users. How much will they think of when they are not allowed to use their mobile phones?

The second one is called “Your Pet Plant”. This project will include a physical plant and an electronic plant on the screen. When people touch the physical plant, the one on the screen will have different feedbacks, including sounds and animation changes. For this project, we think that designer should be specific about what feedback he will focus on. Because in order to start working on it, it is better for him to have a detailed plan so that he can start testing materials. This project, I think, it captures the ignored fact that we do not have a strong connection with the plant. Since plants remain silent all the time, hence we forget that they are also ling creatures. This is a very interesting idea.

The third project is called “E-Maze”. This is a maze, and people can control the character to go through the maze. At the same time, there will be colored imaged appearing after the character passes by. Our questions towards this project is that which one is the focal point, the maze or image? If the designer wants to concentrate on the maze, then the image will not be painted completely since the character will not pass by every corner. However, if he wants to concentrate on the drawing image, then there is no need to set the function of playing a maze game. It will be better to tell users that there is a reset image hidden here, and they need to go through all every area to see what the image looks like.

My project is called “Lilyzone”. I want to design an experience. There will be artificial water lilies made by plastic spoons. When people touch them, there will be the sound of “bianzhong” comes out. Together with the processing, I hope that I can give audiences both vocal and visualized feedbacks. I originally plan to put the lilies on a shelf and attach the wires under the shelf. During the discussion, people say that why not put them back into the water since water lilies are supposed to grow in the water. Hence, I think maybe instead of applying a shelf, I can make a fake pool and decorate it to make it looks like a pool. This feedback is very helpful. By changing the surrounding decorations, it will be easier for audiences to dive into the atmosphere that I hope to create.

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