Recitation 5: Processing Basics By Yiwen Hu

The image I choose is titled Computer rosace-series created by Vera Molnar in 1974. I choose this picture because I like the combination of irregularities and regularity. The shapes inside are triangles and squares with random size, with one embedding in another. The interesting thing is that while those shapes inside seem to be not following a certain order, they all revolve around the center and somehow looks symmetry. The symmetry becomes more apparent as the shapes extend outwards. It seems to me that this picture is implying that everything will finally be in order, even though they look messy at first sight.

Based on such interpretation, I decide to create one image that has some shapes without explicit order in the center. The outer the shapes, the more regular they will be. Ultimately the shapes will be regular squares that revolve around the circle with steadily increasing size. However, to imply the underlying regularity of those seemingly irregular shapes, I would draw circles in the center as well as some regular shapes that interweave with those irregular triangles. Besides triangles and squares, I also add some circles to add diversity and enhance visual effects. The final result are as follows.

I started by drawing circles in the center as an anchor to create all other shapes that revolved around them. Then I drew some triangles with random size but they somehow revolved around the center. In addition, the triangles were related in some way, whether they shared the same side or vertex, implying entanglement between them. As the shapes extend outwards, the triangles became more regular squares and circle. The outer two squares that had the same slope but with different direction is also played with the idea of symmetry and order. In terms of the method, I scratched on paper first to calculate the exact coordinates of each vertex. I followed the principle that each vertex divided the line it touched into 1:2 ratio and then did calculation based on the canvas. My coding is as follows.

I really like Processing in terms of its ability to create ordered and exact shapes, which would be difficult for human hands to achieve. Order and symmetry is closely related to numbers, especially in coding. Therefore, I can create regular shapes such as the increasingly bigger squares that extend to the edges simply by incrementing the same numbers. 


Computer rosace-series by Vera Molnar.

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