Recitation 5: Processing Basics by Xueping

Original Choice
Sol LeWitt, Wall Drawing 565, June 1988

This is the picture I first chosen as inspiration since I think I can do this with “quad” sentences and lines. But later I find out it is a bit hard for me after I have done all the quad outlines.  Although I can draw all the parallel lines by “line”, that means too much mathematics work. Otherwise I need to use float and equations for parallel lines to be done (I have searched online and that is not something I can learn in class time and I also do not know how to have all parallel lines in a quad).

So I changed the image to be :

Chosen image
Sol LeWitt – Wall Drawing #1136

This work is easier for my level with only a bit more for me to learn and figure out in class time. 


So first for the background I use rectangle sentences and define the color one by one. I used a local color recommendation website which provides color codes to find those colors with similar hue.

Chinese Color
Website – Chinese Colors

Drawing arcs is a bit hard for me because I do not know how to create continuous arcs like a wave. It is hard for me to match the start point of one arc with the end point of another. I still have not figured out how to match the two points and what I did to connect the two is to change the position of the starting point bit by bit till it looks to be connected. And because of the same reason I cannot control the position of the arcs. As a result, it is currently not possible for me to create parallel arcs and that is the major difference how my work differs from the original despite of the color.


After all, I think using Processing to draw is an perfect way if a person already has a clear idea what he/she wants and the wanted work involves more geometric figures and require specified colors. There might also be some creative process within the use if you just randomly choose the start and the endpoint. However, if there is not a proper blueprint to follow but only a rough idea in your mind, it is not a good idea to use Processing to realize the idea because it accepts less free creation.

Final Work
Final Work

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