Recitation 2: Arduino Basics by Xueping

This week, I worked with Kris to build the three circuits in this recitation using our own Arduino Kit.

The first two circuits are quite easy and we did not come across any trouble while doing it. 

Diagram of the Fade circuit
Diagram of the Fade circuit

Though we did the second one without much difficulty, it takes me a while to understand the code. But it turns out clear when we run the codes and seen how the speaker works.

Diagram of the Speaker Circuit
Diagram of the Speaker Circuit

The third one is at first a bit hard for us cause there are two many wires used in the diagram and when we build it in practice, those wires interfere our sight. So when we first played the game, it runs well except that both Leds don’t work. Later we found out that we had accidentally miss the input wires for Leds.

Diagram of the Button game
Diagram of the Button game Circuit
Diagram of the Button game
Diagram of the Button game
Process of the Button Game
Process of the Button Game

Question 1:

Interaction is something we encounter everyday from daily communication to the use of any electronic devices. Every electric appliances which need us to turn on and especially those which provides further reaction like our phones or laptops involves much more sensor and outputs to help function those interactions. Like what we did in the third and fourth circuit, pressing the button is the input, with counting the quantity and speed as processing, the led signals the winner as an output with the sound indicating the end of the game. So interaction is basically the process in which a party reacts to the other party’s action.

Question 2:

 Push button itself does not have any resistance or only have little resistance so if we don’t use resistor or if the resistance is not enough, the circuit might have burnt.

Question 3:

I’d like to use them combined with sensors to make an installation to remind and warn people the harm of light pollution. Most leds will be settled in the model of a city indicating artificial lights while some will perform as stars and moon. If the detected light is very bright, then the model of the city will turn to be very bright as reaction while the night sky fades and vice versa.

One Reply to “Recitation 2: Arduino Basics by Xueping”

  1. Hi Xueping,
    Regarding to the question about the 10K resistor, what you say is correct, for a more detailed explanation you can check out this link:

    we use 10K resistor because if we don’t use it we would have a shortcut every time we push the button, without the resistor we would be connecting 5V directly to Ground.

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