Resitation 7 Function and Arrays-Xinran Fan


In today’s recitation, we are expected to practice the function and arrays, especially the loop and arrays, they are two great function to shorter the code. I used them to build an animation with many elements.

step 1

In the first step, I use the arc(); to build an eater.


using for loop(); to build 100 elements.

put the loop under the void draw();


int eaters = 100;
float[] x = new float [eaters];
float[] y = new float [eaters];
color[] c = new color [eaters];
float [] speedX = new float [eaters];
float [] speedY = new float [eaters];
float[]size=new float[eaters];
void setup() {
  size(600, 600);
   for (int i=0; i<x.length; i++){
    y[i]= random(height);
    speedX[i]= random(-5, 5);
    speedY[i]= random(-5, 5);
   size[i]= random(10,200);
    c[i]= color(random(255),random(255),random(255));}}
void draw(){
  for (int i=0; i<x.length; i++) {
eater(x[i], y[i], size[i], c[i]);
    x[i]= x[i] + speedX[i];
    y[i]= y[i] + speedY[i];
    if (x[i] > width || x[i]< 0) {
      speedX[i] = -speedX[i];}
    if (y[i] > height || y[i]< 0) {
      speedY[i] = -speedY[i];}} }
  void eater(float x, float y, float size, color c) {
  arc(x*10+15, y*10+10, size, size, 0.52, 5.76);
  ellipse(x*10-size*0.3, y*10-size*0.4, size*0.1, size*0.1);
  rect(x*10+15+size*1.2, y*10+10, size*0.5, size*0.5);}
use the keypressed to control it.
 if (keyPressed==false){

If the for loop under the 'setup', it can only run once.So the image stay still.
But if you put it under the draw();, the loop will run over and over again, so the image will be given different position, and at last the image will display everywhere.
In my animation, there are 100 elements, if I don't use the arrays, I have to control every elements individually, and this will lead to a very complex 
code. Thanks to the arrays I can make it clear and understanding.

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