Recitation 10: Media Controller by Malika

My project See? uses three potentiometers to control three attributes. Analog input A0 controls the size of the viewing window. Analog inputs A1 and A2 control the x and y position of the window respectively. I ran into some problem with the camera not showing the image so I turned to Young for help. He pointed out that somehow the size of the camera had to be 640*480 for it to work. Here is the video of the project:

Here is my code for Processing:


The technology was used in this project so that I could control the viewing of the portrait with the potentiometers in the Arduino. As is stated in Computer Vision for Artist and Designers, ever since the time when computer
vision technologies were not limited to military and law­-enforcement purposes, there has been increasing “incorporation of computer vision techniques into the design vocabularies of novel artworks, games, home automation systems, and other areas.” Even “student programmers” like me may have access to this technology. As a beginner in this field, I found Arduino and Processing to be a convenient set of tools to create technology-based interactive arts. It not only makes “Art” approachable but also makes it more fun by being interactive.

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