Week 3 recitation- Santiago Salem

Partner: Julie Huang

Sensor exploring recitation

Creating this type of circuit was not so difficult because we used what we learned in the last two lectures. On Tuesday we learned how to make a LED light fade and on Thursday we learned how we can use sensors. Then during this recitation, we mixed both lessons and we create a circuit that when an object comes close to our Infrared Distance Sensor the LED light fades. Throughout building this circuit I learned that not only the distance sensor detects when an object comes close, but it also measures the distance between the sensor and the object in cm.

In terms of the coding, although we only had to copy previous codes to build our circuit, we encounter some issues in regards to how looping works in the code. For example: Because the loop runs constantly it automatically re-starts it tricks our eyes that is continues, but actually when it re-starts it causes the LED light to flicker (for milliseconds). Therefore, due to those minor flickers on the LED light, we thought that the fading mode wasn’t actually working.

Question 1:

During recitation 3 we use the  Infrared Distance Sensor for our circuit. This type of sensor works by detecting objects that come close to the sensor. The way this sensor detects an object is through receiving infrared radiation. It can also measure the distance between the object and the sensor. In our circuit, we choose this type of sensor because we intended to build a LED light that fades as an object approaches the sensor. This type of sensor apart from being really interesting and fun, it can also have the purpose to protect peoples’ home. For example, this sensor could activate an alarm in case it detects an object approaching (the same way the LED lights turns on when an object comes close to the sensor).

Question 2:

I do believe that code can be compared to a recipe or tutorial, but I rather say code that code is the main ingredient when it comes to cooking. It is clear that the code in a way helps you to understand how the circuit run, (but I think that sometimes reading code is not very easy,), therefore I believe that for me is not like a recipe. But I do know the circuit is a key ingredient to build the circuit. For example, in our experiment, without the code, it would not have been possible to command the LED light and the sensor.

Question 3:

I believe that computers serve as a mirror of human behavior. A computer has enough information to reflect the behavior of its user. What I mean is that computers not only have the purpose of increasing productivity, but they also become a tool of the owner’s personal life. Here humans can share, understand and manipulate their own personal life, making computers confidants of our behavior. Therefore, I believe that humans can sometimes create dual identities, one in the virtual world, and one in the real one.

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