Recitation 9: Media Controller – Sagar Risal


Arduino Kit 


Media Controller: 

In this recitation we had to have Arduino control a certain aspect of an image from processing. I used a pentameter to control the pixels in my webcam so that the lower the pentameter was the less pixels there were and the higher it was the more complete the webcam image would look. I had to use specific dimensions for the webcam to work with the amount of pixels I wanted to use, since each pixel had to be a certain size to fill the screen perfectly. 


After reading Computer Vision I understand how computers and humans can interact in ways that both the computer and person can understand what each other are doing. This can be done with the computer being able to understand ones motion or how certain facial features move, and a human can understand the computer because of the visual that it projects. For example, in my recitation I knew that if I move the pentameter my image would become more pixelated, what the computer understood was that the more I moved the pentameter the more pixels it would have to add to the image. Through the visual aid of what the computer projected I was able to understand how the computer would react to something I did, and in turn the computer would react to what I inputed, causing interaction between me and the computer.  


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