To a computer system, sensors are its eyes and ears, the only method that it may detect the signal and thus manage to react to that. Yet concerning the various types of sensors, we may start from the begining to know the name and use of each.
Moisture Sensor:The Moisture Sensor can be used as if you were doing simple analog read. Connect the sensors’ power and ground pins to the Arduino’s power and ground, respectively.
Infrared Distance Sensor: Similar to the Moisture Sensor, the Infrared Distance Sensor can by used by implementing the connections and code from a simple analog read sketch. In the case of Infrared Distance Sensors, using the “map()” function can be helpful. This function maps the analog readings from the sensor to the distance between the sensor and the object.
Vibration Sensor: The Vibration Sensor can be used like a simple Analog input.
Ultrasonic Ranger: The Ultrasonic Ranger (AKA Ultrasonic Sensor OR HC-SR04) can be used to detect distance.
Joystick Module: The Joystick module comprised of two potentiometers which gauge motion along the x and y axis, and a pushbutton for the z axis. Because of this composition, it can be interfaced with Arduino just as if it were two potentiometers.
Variable resistors(LDR):A Photoresistor, Light Dependent Resistor (LDR), or “light sensor”, is a type of variable resistor that has a resistive value which changes based on the amount of light shone onto it.
Q&A Part
Queation 1:
We were intended to build a circuit which can sense the change of its surroundings and transfer its reaction into digital signal. For example, to use the LDR, we can put it into a light-sensitive streetlight so it can save the electricity in the day time and light up automatically at night, benefiting the passing-bys in terms of lighting the road in the dark.
Queation 2:
Most code is written in programming language, which need to be translated into the machine language to function in a computer. If coding is compared to following a recipe, then the recipe is the programming language which is designed to be more readable with certain grammar and to include some complex process.
Queation 3:
It is a perfect tool for learning human behavior in collecting and saving data digitally, immitating brain movement and finding patterns, and it is creating new activities, thus creating new human behaviors. Computers shows its supremacy in calculating, processing and analysising mass data, and also due to its character of connection and interaction, it has the ability to act as a perfect media to test new concept and share new thoughts.