Processing basics Recitation 5

Using Processing

I chose this image named Voeroech II by Victor Vasarely because the complexity of the square rotation intrigued me and it would challenge me to get the colour nuances. 

In order to draw this on Processing, I knew I would have to use the quad function and find the right edges of the square to plot. I found it much more difficult to do than  I originally thought as the squares have to be proportional and the difference of length between the squares interchanged between the y and x axis so I had to calculate the pixels difference between the squares. 

Additionally, the colours are not strong and their brightness are quite soft so getting the right tone was not easy. I found using processing very interesting as I had no idea prior to the recitation that there was such a thing as coded art. 

I managed to get through six squares during the recitation. It was very difficult to keep the proportionality of the squares, my code for it is as follows: 

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