Recitation 9: Final Project Process — Shuyang Cai

Step 1

During this recitation, I read three very interesting ideas for the final project. The first idea is about creating a game that imitates the Snake. However, the difference is that in this game, players need to pay extra attention because all the direction control are the opposite. For example, to move the snake downwards, players need to push the up button. The aim of the game is to control the snake to eat as many apples as possible while keeping not touching the frame. It is also interesting that the student actually had a sample already, so we were able to try this game out. Our feedback for this idea is that while it is reasonably difficult and challenging to play, it might be better if they can create different levels by changing the speed of the snake. Also, they might need to ponder on the meaning of this game. The second idea I read is to create a game that targets people who are interested in exploring space. The aim of the game is to transport supply through a space battle and players need to avoid being hit by bombs or rocks. The interesting thing about this idea is that players will have the first-person vision as if they are a pilot sitting in a spaceship and facing the universe. Our comment for this idea is that it can include more interaction between players and the game by fully using Arduino, for it seems that the game can be realized without using Arduino. The third idea I read is about creating an Avengers’ related game. It targets at the fans of the superheroes and has a lot to do with the latest blockbuster Avengers 4. As a huge fan of Marvel and its superheroes, I find the idea itself really interesting. Nevertheless, during our group discussion, we also agree that they need to find a way to balance the two sides of the players so that one side won’t be greatly more powerful than the other side. They also need to figure out the meaning of their game. By looking at all the other group members’ ideas, I find that one of the most obvious commonplaces is that all of us decide to create a game as our final project. It might because the game is also an excellent way to engage people and machine together to realize interaction. Also, games are always highly entertaining and funny to play, which also add to people’s motivation to create games as their final project.

Step 2:

As my idea for the final project is about creating a game that requires players to use hearing to get out of a dark building, I received several very educational advice from my group members, as well as my partner’s group members as well. One of my group members suggests that we can ask the player to wear an eyeshade when playing the game, while others can actually see how he/she is doing. The purpose is to enable normal people to experience how difficult and challenging it can be for blind people to walk. Also, someone from my partner’s group suggests that we can create multiple levels and settings, so as to make the game more changeable. For my group members, the most successful part of the game is that people can merely depend on their hearing instead of eyesight to get out of a sort of maze, which is quite rare. I strongly agree with them and I think that the meaning of the whole project is based on such a setting. However, they also mention that it might be hard to control the difficulty of the game, meaning that the game can easily be either too easy or too hard for people to play. I agree with is criticism as well, and I think we may be able to fix that problem by conducting more users’ tests. All in all, I really appreciate all the advice that my group members have given me, which are all of the great use and quality. I will definitely take these pieces of advice into consideration when creating our project.

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