Recitation 4: Group Project by Shuyang Cai

From my perspective, interactivity is defined by two essential characteristics. Firstly, to be interactive, two or more actors have to be involved and engaged with each other at the same time. As is argued by Crowford, “a key point about the interactive process” is that “[t]here are two actors, not one” (5). Indeed, there is no interactivity within one person, for one person can only have monologue rather than an effective, entertaining or even exploratory communication. This also leads to the second characteristic of interactivity, which is communication. While the communication between human beings undertakes the processes of listening, think and speak, the communication between human and machine also goes through three particular stages: input, process, and output. (Crowford, 5). Such communication has to involve a certain level of entertainment, exploration, and practicability. The reason why the lights on the refrigerator are not interactive is that it is simply a rather dull process. Also, according to Igoe, interactive artists should not speak too much when people are exploring their work. People should help themselves find out the functions and funs of artists’ work. In addition, the interactivity between humans and machines relies heavily on technologies like computer programming and coding. To make the communication smooth and effective, universalized instructions and orders are necessary.

For instance, a project called Open Highway, which is “a real-time light installation visualizing highway vehicles… from the Leidsche Rijn tunnel over the A2 highway in Utrecht, the Netherlands”(, does not align with my definition of interactivity. As those lights are installed to reveal the hidden highway, this project lacks a certain level of entertainment. Although it can bring drivers great convenience, there is no essential difference between this project and the light on the refrigerator. The communication is dull and prone to be unilateral rather than bilateral. On the other hand, however, another project called Anti-Drawing Machine created by Soonho Kwon, Harsh Kedia, and Akshat Prakash aligns with my definition of interactivity. It goes against the utilitarian and precise communications between human and machines. Instead, Anti-Drawing Machine is a whimsical and imperfect robot that “allows either a disrupted or collaborative drawing by manipulating the rotation and position of an ordinary paper material” ( People have to explore the function and logic behind this machine, as well as enjoying the entertainment brought by it. Therefore, the communication between people and this Anti-Drawing Machine involves entertainment and exploration, which are important characteristics of interactivity according to my definition of it.

Our group decided to create a new type of 4D interactive billboard that can be used in 2119. Digital salespeople can jump out of this billboard and advertise their product to pedestrians. What’s more, digital salespeople can sensor passers-by’s emotions and physical conditions, so as to provide them with the most suitable products. People will be also to experience the products they want to buy in person. For example, if they are deciding whether to buy a perfume, the salesperson will show them the demo. Once they purchase the product, they are able to get it from the billboard instantly. Whenever people want to refuse the advertisement, they only need to wave their hands, and the digital salespeople will disappear, which is very simple and convenient. Such invention also helps reduce the waste of resources and spaces and contributes to the environment protection, hence has great economic, social and environmental value. The way that salespeople detect human conditions and needs, as well as the way people turn the advertisement down or enter the billboard to experience 4D advertisements indicate a high level of interaction between us human, the environment and the 4D interactive billboard. Therefore, this invention should be considered as highly interactive and technological. But at the same time, we are aware of the disadvantages of our invention. Advertisement can, from time to time, become annoying, including our 4D interactive billboard. To this extent, regulations need to be established and strict control of the number of billboards on the street should be implemented.


Igoe, Tom. “Making Interactive Art: Set the Stage, Then Shut Up and Listen.” Code Circuits Construction,

Visnjic, Filip. “Open Highway – Surfacing the Hidden Layers of the City.” CreativeApplications.Net, 15 Feb. 2019,

Crowford, Chris. “What Exactly Is Interactivity? ” The Art of Interactive Design, pp. 1–6.

Visnjic, Filip. “ Anti-Drawing Machine – Whimsical and Imperfectly Characteristic Collaborator.” CreativeApplications.Net, 8 Feb. 2019,

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