Recitation 10: Media Controller —- Shuyang Cai




During this recitation, we need to create a processing sketch that can control a certain aspect of a media such as an image or a video. For me, I think it would be interesting if the level of one of the filters of an image can be manually controlled and manipulated. To realize, the first step is to find the image and I decided to use the image of light, which makes more sense as I intended to use the blur function. Then I built the circuit using a potentiometer that can control the change of the degree of blur. Finally, I finished the coding that aims to transfer one value from Arduino to Processing.

It is really interesting that the article “Computer Vision for Artists and Designers: Pedagogic Tools and Techniques for Novice Programmers” points out the generalization of computer vision technologies from military and law-enforcement purposes to more general and artistic uses. Due to the time and ability limitation, my project only realizes the simple manipulation of the degree of blur function. However, with the development of computer technology, it is possible to change different parts of the image. For instance, people might be able to manipulate the light from a lantern, they can change the brightness of the sun or the growing stage of a tree by pushing buttons or turning knobs. In this way, people can actually create their unique art even with the same settings and background, which I believe is one of the most amazing and interesting aspects of what computer vision technologies can achieve.


The image of the lantern:…0.0..1.186.1196.0j7……1….1..gws-wiz-img…..0.8bMz37lsDIc#imgrc=MzoNpEsQE7pnNM: 

Background image:…0.0..0.137.1004.4j6……1….1..gws-wiz-img…..0..0i67.Ensu1RXxUQA#imgrc=fMnk-bq02oj5DM:

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