Preparatory Research and Analysis — Shuyang Cai

During the group research project, I attach great importance on the communication between people and machine, for I think that is the essence of interactivity. I believe that makes communication between people and machine complete, there should be three processes, including input, process, and output (Crowford, 5). According to my recognition of interactivity, I designed my midterm project is a way that involves high interactivity between the player and the lights. However, based on my midterm project, I realized my definition of interactivity should also include communication between players. As my midterm project allows two people to play the game at the same time, they should also interact and communicate with each other in terms of interactivity. Also, I realized that to improve the level of interactivity, it is necessary to make the machine or project changeable or even “complicated” to some extent, so that it is more entertaining and people would be more attracted.

During my research, I came across two interesting projects that are very inspirational. The first one is a project called “Melting Memories”, which is “a series of digital artworks that explore the materiality of remembering by offering new insights into the representational possibilities of EEG data collection” ( ).

Basically, this artwork projects people’s artwork on a huge screen. Although this project does not totally line up with my definition of interaction, as the interactivity seems to be simple and does not need to be explored, this project successfully turns abstract things such as cognitive activity into concrete things like shapes moving on the screen. I think it would be very interesting if my final project could also present an invisible mechanism or process through a certain kind of art.

The second educational project I found is called “Face Trade”, which is an excellent example of the interaction between people and the machine. ( ). This project enables people to get a unique picture of their face, as long as they stand before the machine and have their photo saved in the system of this machine. To some extent, they trade their face to get a printed picture and I think this is an interesting way to realize a higher level of interaction. And I think it would be interesting if my project could enable people to experience a sort of trade with it.

From my perspective, my “new” definition of interaction would be efficient communications between not only people and machine but also among people and users of the machine. Such communication must involve a certain level of entertainment, and within the reasonable range, the interaction should be interesting, entertaining, to some extent difficult, so that people can enjoy the fun of exploring them and figuring out how it works. It is also in accordance with what Igoe, an interactive artist, says. He argues that artists should not speak too much when people are exploring their work. People should help themselves find out the functions and funs of artists’ work. Therefore, in my final project, I would like to create something that enables users to have more choices and fun. Also, if it is multiuser at the same time, it is important to find out a way to create a certain level of connection between them as well.

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