Recitation 6: Processing Animation (Rodrigo Reyes)

Inground (there is no particular reason why I chose this color). To make it evident that the user had to use the mouse to move the ellipse, I had the ellipse change its form every time the mouse was on top of it, and it would change once again the user started moving the ellipse. This way interaction would happen more this recitation, we worked on animation on Processing. I wanted to make a drawing that got dragged along as I clicked the mouse and moved the mouse. So naturally, there would be an interaction. What I ended up doing was a green ellipse with a pink back smoothly. I honestly think mouse interaction is the most obvious for any user to use, thus that is the one I wanted to explore in recitation. I follow this one coding website called, the website allowed me to explore other aspects like activating the smooth function. I was also working with sz, and the cursor function to make it interactive. The Cursor function was pretty useful because it gives feedback to the user that they are supposed to click on the ellipse. 


The homework consisted in making an ellipse contrast and expand on a loop while it chages its color repeadateley as it shift inwards and outwards. Adding the function HSB was very new to me. Besides that working with else if and the bollean rules for this homework were complicated, nevertheless very entretaining and fun. 

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