Recitation 6: Blog Post by Robin Luo


The piece I chose for this exercise is Bent Dark Gray by Josef Albers from the Bauhaus Movement. I chose this piece because I’m interested in the Bauhaus Movement, particularly its architecture and design. I also chose this piece because I was drawn to the paintings of this artist and because I thought it would be a good stepping point to help practice my limited Processing skills. 

I wanted to see if I could emulate the painting on Processing. There isn’t much of a motif with my final project and the painting I chose, but it does replicate the painting with color and design. Drawing it in Processing was a good means of recognizing my design because it made me deconstruct the painting. At the most fundamental level, the painting/design is just a shape positioned in space. I think Processing can be a good means of realizing your design as it can help you create a design quickly and evenly, but I do find it sometimes tedious and difficult to use. You have to consider many more components into a drawing than you would if you had a pen and paper such as the positioning and size because you have to communicate an exact image to the software. In this case, I think it would be less tedious if I had created a loop which generated proportional rectangles from the outside in instead of creating three different rectangles in my code. I also found it tedious positioning the shapes as you have to think about where, mathematically, the shapes would be placed, and I spent a lot of time doing the math for it. Regardless, Processing did help me think about the methods I used, especially in how I would go about telling the software what I wanted to do and when to do it. 

This is my final product:

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