In the recitation today, I use Arduino to control the appearance of the picture of “Mona Lisa” in Processing. There are three potentiometers that respectively control blur, tint and size. Arduino reads the analogue signals from the potentiometers, and the values are then mapped in Processing. The first sensor value adjusts the blur degree ranging from 0 to 10; the second changes the green value in RGB color from 0 to 255; the last one changes the size of the picture from 0.5 to 1.5 times the original size of the picture.
original picture:
main part of Processing code:
For the way that technology is used, my project is based on the open-source software and related code-sharing communities. The progress in computer and the decrease in the price of digital hardware also made the use of both Arduino and Processing possible. Processing itself includes a QuickTimebased interface and a Java-based scripting language, benefiting from the works of predecessors in digital technology.