Recitation 6: Processing Basics-Ning Zhou


I chose this image because I always have a special preference for this kind of signs which often appear with circles, eyes, and other simple repeated patterns. There’s a sense of mystery from the images that attracts me a lot. In one of my favorite cartoon series the Gravity Falls, there’s a triangle with an eye in the middle which represents an evil powerful role from another dimension of the world. I feel like there’s always more explanation behind these images,  no matter religious or superstitious beliefs. 

I first came up with the idea of drawing the yin yang symbol after I saw the image because I feel that the yin yang symbol is a special representative or the mysterious Oriental culture. At the beginning, I tried to draw it with curve but failed. Later I changed the method and drew one big circle, a semi-circle, two circles and two small circles inside. Finding the Japanese looked quite cool in the image, I also wanted to add Japanese character to my image. Though there’s some problem importing Japanese characters in the processing library and directly print them out, I just copied the text and used the text function to print them out.

yin yang

One point that the two images similar to each other is that they are both symmetric and show the beauty of balance. One more thing is that they both convey the sense of mystery with rich context. Also, there’s Japanese in the images too. The differences are that the complexity for sure, and the patterns in the images. The motif is much more complicated than mine and have more various patterns, like eyes, triangles, small figures of people. It is still hard for me right now to draw these patterns with Processing. It has a richer content, like people living and working under the sun. I think that drawing in Processing is pretty hard and s not a very good means of realizing my design. After all, it is a type of computer language which is not as flexible as human languages and our own hands. But I think it’ll get better after practice and practice.

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