Recitation 3: Sensors by Ning Zhou

Circuit: Distance Detector

process: We copied the code from this website. The first time I uploaded the code, some datas were shown in the monitor but are obviously not true because they said some crazy numbers like 745 cm, etc.  Then something went wrong and we smelt something burnt from the Ultrasonic Sensor. We met a problem when uploading the code the next time we tried. It is said that the port was not found. Young and Tristan helped us checked our connection, the code and the Arduino app but nothing seemed to be wrong. At last, Nick came to rescue and pointed out that we connected the ground and 5v jump cables wrong. We all ignored this small detail at the very beginning. This was embarrassing but it is good that we didn’t burn the Ultrasonic Sensor or anything. We referred to the website and tried to do the map stuff and narrow the range from about 0-600 to 0-255.

*We didn’t add the LED in our circuit during the recitation but I think it can be added to the circuit and emit light when the distance is less than 50cm also by using the “if” statement in Arduino :


Question 1:

What did you intend to assemble in the recitation exercise? If your sensor/actuator combination were to be used for pragmatic purposes, who would use it, why would they use it, and how could it be used?

I intended to assemble a circuit which can sensor the distance and emit the light when the distance is close enough. If they were to be used for pragmatic purpose, car drivers and electronic bicycle riders can use it. Because this can be very helpful for driving learners to give them more confidence and a sense or security. For drivers, when thy are reversing or parking the car, it will make it safer. Also for electronic bicycle riders, the light can be a sign of warning both for themselves and the other in front of them. The led should be set on the front of the cars or bicycles. While the sensor should be set at both the back and the front of the cars and at the front for bicycles.

Question 2:

Code is often compared to following a recipe or tutorial.  Why do you think that is?

Just like the video we watched on class once which is about learning computer by making dumplings. Here I feel that code is similar to the recipe because.  The whole combination is under the control of the code and run as it says exactly. Any little mistake or any detail that is not according to the right code will lead to failure or the result that different from expectation. Code id of great importance in the process of assembling circuits. It is still a bit hard and confusing for me right now but I believe that there’re basic rules and frameworks that I can follow. After being familiar with that, I think I can try to do my own coding.

Question 3:

In Language of New Media, Manovich describes the influence of computers on new media. In what ways do you believe the computer influences our human behaviors?

With the widespread of the computer, it became more and more convenient to interact with others. So, it can be implied that the computer provides a new way for people to live. It is more than changing the old way, but offering a new way. For example, it makes it possible for humans to do almost every daily task online or on their cellphone and laptop with the help of technology. This makes humans’ lives easy but also reduces the possibilities for humans to build direct  efficient interactions with others. There’s no doubt that the computer is more advanced,  accurate and efficient than humans so that it has already replaced humans in various ways. But the positions the computer has taken are more like dull, mechanic or heavy, dangerous work. So I think that humans are tend to focus more on thinking tasks which need understanding and humanity and are hard for the computer to reach.

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