On The Way-Ning Zhou-Rudi


We thought a lot about how to build and promote the interaction between the users and our project. Due to our initial goal of the project which mainly focuses on the experience, the forms of interaction could be a bit limited by other projects. So, we chose to offer different options for users and push them to make decisions under different circumstances, which leads to various results in the end. In order to make the process more engaging, we chose to make an accelerator just like the real one in car as a main element in our project. It can bring a realer feeling for the users and more willing to interact with the project. What’s more, I think the motors with fans and strip led lights added by us also contribute to a better interaction process by offering feedback. We simply used components from Arduino kits to build circuits for the motors and led strips because they weren’t hard and we have done similar tasks before. While for the accelerator, we used cardboard. I got suggestion from Rudi to use the conductive tapes so that every time the user steps on it, the circuit would be connected. I considered whether the materials and the function suit the users as the top thing. However, one thing that could be a bit strange is the match part because users might expect something like steering wheels for their hands when experiencing. But the steering wheels might be hard to control and be applied in the project so that we rejected it. And for the matches part, it belongs to our story line and the symbol of imagination of our project, which means a lot just some people may be confused about it. So, here I think that we need more time to consider about what can be better applied for this part.


For the production of our project, we more focus on the coding part, comparing to the midterm project. Also, because our project is largely based on media manipulation so that we worked a lot with Processing. When we were at the stage of coding, we met a huge problem. That is, we added a lot of movies, sound files and images, which made the beginning of loading the project really a long time and the framework of the movies were really low. I felt like I knew the problem of this but just had no idea how to fix it. so that later we reached out to Rudi. Luckily, Rudi suggested a new structure for our code which would allow only one case happening at one time so that the code can run smoothly. For this user testing session, we received a lot of useful feedback. One thing we noticed that users didn’t really like to read the instructions. They just wanted to do what they want, such as just pressing the keys and stepping on the accelerator randomly. So that we decided to change the form of using keys into using accelerator. And at the same time, make the instructions bigger enough on the screen to make everyone be aware of what they are doing and what they are supposed to do. I found the adjustment of using accelerator really a good idea because this is one way that make users more immersive and engaging in the project. We also replace the function of the keys with buttons and matches with cables so that the interaction could be more fun and not so boring.


The goal of our project is to let people have a new driving which they may not have the chance to do in real life and enjoy the various pieces and beauty of life from multiple perspectives. my project aligns with my definition of interaction by offering options for users and allow them to make decisions to create their own stories. I wanted the users can feel the emotional change inside which is not simply shown on the surface, but something inside. However, on the other hand, the project’s purpose may be a bit unsure for certain users because they don’t have a clear idea about what the project is about and have the assumption that it is just a game. But it turned out that it is not a game. While it would be easy for them to lose patience and interest for this, especially kids. So that I think that the project can be more focused on certain groups of people or be made cleared about what it is about. After the showcase I found that most people were attracted by the fans, led strips and the cover (beginning image) of the project, or the accelerator. Some of them later just realized that it is not what they thought it was. I have foreseen this because I thought about the situation that people, especially kids would prefer games. Remember the talk we had with Rudi, we mentioned that what we were creating was not a game. And I actually don’t want it to be game. Though it is a bit vague to classify it as an interactive movie or just an experience, I think the final version of my project reached the goal that I wanted to realize at the very first stage. What I really appreciate is that some mentioned on the show that the songs were really good and I loved how they moved their body along with the beat. This is one of the interactions that impressed me most during the show. So, if I have time, I’ll build a box to create space for users to make them feel like that they’re really in the car. More decoration is needed for sure. And I’ll use sound box to play music, add steering wheels, even just for decoration. If possible, I would like to use projector and reflect the vision on a bigger screen. I feel like the whole process of my project brought me a lot of things. There was a period that I was really confused and depressed because what I wanted to make is too huge and what can I actually make is so small. And I felt that all my brain cells stopped working. But anyways, I always believe that I’ll figure it out. There are always so many people around me that can offer help, my partner, my professor, all the faculty in IMA.

I remember that in my former proposal of my final project, I talked about how people ignore the details, beauty in their normal life. Now I can feel this even stronger. Sometimes it is not that they don’t don’t care, it is that they do not have the patience to see what is going to happen next so that they would lose the chance to see something beautiful takes place. At least this is something I get after observing the users during the IMA show. We’re now living in “the age of entertainment”. People just want fun. I mean, everyone needs fun, for sure and I also love fun a lot. But we need time to slow down on the way. Stay calm, peace to feel, and think. This is what we need.

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