Recitation 7: Functions and Arrays by Min Jee (Lisa) Moon

Question 1: In your own words, please explain the difference between having your for loop from Step 2 in setup() as opposed to in draw().

Having for-loop inside the setup() and draw() is definitely making the big difference because setup() function only runs once, meaning the change will not occur even though you keep your serial open. However, if the for-loop is inside the draw() function, the for-loop will be running continuously, meaning the change will occur constantly. 

Question 2: What is the benefit of using arrays?  How might you use arrays in a potential project?

Arrays often add efficiency to the code. Like a database, you can add and delete values to and from the code whenever the situation is met (which the situation can be adjusted by the programmer. In addition, by grouping the similar types of values (like x-positions), it is easy to see what the values are for then having 100, for example, variables. 

If you use the array, you can go through the values using a loop, which definitely adds efficiency to the code. 

I can use arrays in a variety of ways in the potential project. For example, in the recitation 6 coding, I used array to make a snow falling effect. I can make the snow falling effect again or can use an array to simply save the position values.


PImage mollang;
PImage mouth;

int amtMollang = 0;
float[] xPos = new float[0];
float[] yPos = new float[0];

float[] bodyWidth = new float[0];

float mouthRatio = 0.1269349845; // 41/323
PImage[] mouthLoad = new PImage[amtMollang];
int[] mouthSize = new int[0];

float[] xSpeed = new float[0];
float[] ySpeed = new float[0];

void setup(){
  size(960, 600);
  mollang = loadImage("images/mollang.png");
  mouth = loadImage("images/mouth.png");

void draw(){
  tint(255, 100);
  //image(mollang, 308, 55);
  for(int i = 0; i < xPos.length; i++){
    drawMollang(xPos[i], yPos[i], bodyWidth[i], mouthLoad[i]);
    xPos[i] += xSpeed[i];
    yPos[i] += ySpeed[i];
    if (xPos[i] < 0 || xPos[i] > width){
      xSpeed[i] = -xSpeed[i];
    if (yPos[i] < 0 || yPos[i] > height){
      ySpeed[i] = -ySpeed[i];

void drawMollang(float x, float y, float mWidth, PImage mouthImg){
  float bodyRatio = 1.1176470588; // 361/323
  float strokeRatio = 0.03095975232; // 10/323
  float earWidthRatio = 0.1517027864; // 49/323
  float earHeightRatio = 0.2493074792; // 90/361
  float eyesRatio = 0.06811145511; // 22/323

  float earDistanceRatio = 0.5761772853; // 92/361
  float earX = x - (mWidth * earWidthRatio)/2;
  float earY = y - ((mWidth * bodyRatio)*earDistanceRatio);
  float eyesXRatio = 0.213622291; // 69/323
  float eyesYRatio = 0.2271468144; // 82/361
  float eyesXDistance = (mWidth*eyesXRatio);
  float eyesY = y - (mWidth * bodyRatio)*eyesYRatio;
  float cheekXRatio = 0.2879256966; // 93/323
  float cheekYRatio = 0.1772853186; // 64/361
  float cheekXDistance = (mWidth*cheekXRatio);
  float cheekY = y - (mWidth * bodyRatio) * cheekYRatio;
  float cheekRatio = 0.1393188854; // 45/323
  float mouthXRatio = 0.05882352941; // 19/323
  float mouthYRatio = 0.3405572755; // 110/323
  float mouthX = x-(mWidth*mouthXRatio);
  float mouthY = y - (mWidth*mouthYRatio);
  strokeWeight(mWidth * strokeRatio);
  ellipse(earX, earY, mWidth * earWidthRatio, mWidth * bodyRatio* earHeightRatio);
  ellipse(earX + ((mWidth * earWidthRatio)*10)/11, earY, mWidth * earWidthRatio, mWidth * bodyRatio* earHeightRatio);
  ellipse(x, y, mWidth, mWidth * bodyRatio);
  // cheek
  ellipse(x - cheekXDistance, cheekY, mWidth*cheekRatio, mWidth*cheekRatio);
  ellipse(x + cheekXDistance, cheekY, mWidth*cheekRatio, mWidth*cheekRatio);
  //println(x - cheekXDistance);
  // eyes
  ellipse(x - eyesXDistance, eyesY, mWidth*eyesRatio, mWidth*eyesRatio);
  ellipse(x + eyesXDistance, eyesY, mWidth*eyesRatio, mWidth*eyesRatio);
  // mouth
  tint(255, 255);
  image(mouthImg, mouthX, mouthY);

void mousePressed(){
  println(pmouseX, pmouseY);
  xPos = append(xPos, pmouseX);
  yPos = append(yPos, pmouseY);
  bodyWidth = append(bodyWidth, random(50, 200));

  mouthLoad = new PImage[amtMollang];
  mouthSize  = append(mouthSize, int(bodyWidth[amtMollang-1] * mouthRatio));
  for(int i = 0; i < amtMollang; i++){
    mouthLoad[i] = loadImage("images/mouth.png");
    mouthLoad[i].resize(mouthSize[i], 0);
  xSpeed = append(xSpeed, random(5, 10));
  ySpeed = append(ySpeed, random(5, 10));

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