Recitation 2: Arduino Basics


This project was done to learn basic Arduino principles. Through this project, Arduino coding and schematic basics were learned.


Circuit 1: Fade

Circuit 2: toneMelody

Circuit 3: Speed Game


The project went as planned. The only issue that occurred was the orientation of the LEDs. The proper orientation of the LEDs caused the LED to not turn on when it was supposed to.  The orientation of the LED needs to be taken better care of.


  1. I typically use my computer and cell phone
  2. The 10k resistor was used with the push button in order to make sure that the
  3. If I had 100, 000 LEDs at my disposal, I would probably make some form of wearable technology that would react to the music playing near me. 

One Reply to “Recitation 2: Arduino Basics”

  1. in your circuit, when you press the button you will be having a shortcut. This is because the current will always choose the easiest path to go to ground, so it will go from 5V directly to ground and wont’ go to the 10K resistor.

    Also, I would have liked to see the question 2 completed 🙂

    In the future, it would be better to copy the question, so it is easy to read. I know the questions, but if someone else is seeing your post it would be difficult to understand what you are answering.

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