Life Saver – Sarah Armstrong – Marcela

Part 1: Briefly define “interaction” as you now understand it and post your definition to the blog. Next, return to the two projects that you researched when shaping your definition. Point to what specifically in those projects triggered your understanding of interaction, and then your definition of it. Address why one project’s approach aligns better and the other less well to that definition.

Part 2: Make sure in your discussion of how you shaped your definition that you reference relevant ideas and specific information from the readings. Cite them appropriately! (Embed any media you consider helpful)

Part 3: Finally, describe the idea your group focused on in its design of an interactive device that fulfills the assigned criteria. Explain precisely how what you proposed to do derives from, responds to, or relates in some significant manner to your definition of the established form of interaction you identified in your research of the two projects above.

Part 1 & Part 2: I originally defined interaction as just reaction. However, after this project and examining the two projects, I define interaction as the reaction between at least two users. Originally, I had worked with projects like a Rube Goldberg machine, which I thought were interactive, but I think this one is only reactive and not interactive as the only actions are only between the user initially starting the machine. However, I think it’s interactive because the end result is eventually reacting with the original user, becoming a full circle. In the second project, I looked at, I think the Arduino-based light-up wear is instead only reactive because it reacts to the wearer’s movements but does not provide any input for the other user besides the colorful light. 

Part 3: When our group was coming up with the design,  we tried to come up with ideas of problems in the future. We thought natural disasters were going to be at the forefront of the problems in the future because of climate change. Originally, we only thought of the ice caps melting, but further developed the project to handle other disasters. The Life Saver is interactive because given by the input of what kind of natural disaster the user faces, the Life Saver will respond accordingly.


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