Recitation 11: Workshops by Karen Zhang

Media Manipulation

Since our final project involves a large amount of use of images and gifs, not videos. So I decided to go to the media manipulation workshop to advance my skills in media. We learned how to make use of color in the processing, once my mouse moves to the red color, it will trigger something.  Also, we learned how to add the filter to a video after the video plays for 14 seconds. Next, we started our project. I used one of the elements I would use in my final project for this assignment. I used for loop so the leaves can repeat in the grassland. One difficulty I met during the exercise is the function resize ( ). Since every time the image is resized based on the last image in a for loop, and resize ( ) is not a very appropriate function to achieve this goal. So the easiest way is to change the width and height of the images. I also used random to adjust the size.




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