Recitation 5: Processing Basics-Lifan Yu

Recitation 5: Processing Basics

By Lifan Yu (ly1164)

What I created:

The artworks I referred to:

       I chose this image because it is a combination of lines, ellipses and curves. This combination is artistic and beautiful. Moreover, it includes multiple kinds of strokes. I am able to practice creating the codes of different kinds of strokes. When I looked at the artwork, I was fascinated by the shape that appears to be both three-dimensional and not at all three dimensional at the same time. When my eyes traced the vertical lines, I felt like they are leading from a Three-dimensional to a two-dimensional part (or the other way around). I can endlessly wonder about the existing or non-existing 3-D space created by these strokes.

       When I finished drawing the first image, I chose a second image. I chose this one because it has a certain kind of pattern that makes it appear simple and neat but also include the sense of infinity. The change in angle can loop endlessly. The size of the rectangles can decrease at a certain rate until it’s tiny and invisible.

       In my artwork I would like to convey the sense of endlessness I felt when looking at these example artworks. I hope to stretch a viewers’ thoughts toward an unlimited direction. It would be great if they can find a pattern that can be looped endlessly or something that keeps them wonder whether it’s like this or like that.

       The size and slant angle of rectangles in my creation has a clear pattern. My incomplete cylinder creates an incomplete space. This is linked to my motif.

       The difference is I didn’t fully displayed endlessness in my artwork. I only used patterns and strokes to imply.

My code:

  I think that drawing in Processing was a good means of realizing my design. It’s neat, accurate and can be more easily made than artworks on paper. Endlessness can be easily created by lines of code that can run in loops nonstop.

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